Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011

Interview with Thomas Waters

A photograph made by Thomas Waters (15)

Tell us a little about yourself :)
Names Tom. I'm 15 years old and I come from Northern England. My art often expresses my mood, or what's in my mind, as with any or most artists. I enjoy taking on new challenges and I'm always trying out new styles to try and keep my watchers interested. 

Are you an artist with many talents or do you contentrate on one specific medium?
I use a wide variety of mediums, and I'd happily try out new ones, I've worked with most, photography, digital, many traditional styles ranging from acrylic to HB pencil to pen doodles.

When did you first realize you are an artist?
Uhmm...that's a hard one...I've always been decent at drawing for my age, but I think it started around the time when I was 9 or 10 when I started to get really good. However, I've always enjoyed art.

Have any famous artists influenced you so far?
Uhmm..mainly musicians with their songs and nature with its beauty. But there aren't any artists I can think of who have influenced me.

Have you got any art projects running at the moment?
Apart from the one currently at school, which requires me making a costume, no I don't have any major ones.

What kind of costume?
It's going to be based off the creatures living in the deep ocean trenches, I was thinking more dragonfish area.

Sounds interesting. Do you think nature inspires you more than musicians?
Natures creations are very fascinating. Most of my arts are based off the creatures living around us, but the music I listen to as I draw gives it that extra tweaking it needs.
Also, how bored I am decides how unique and wacky it is too.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
It changes a lot, sometimes I want to be on the ocean, working with the marine life, others a photographer, other times a drummer in a band, and I will definitely be an outdoors person who explores natural areas, I'm not so much a people person.
But I don't think outside of the box, to somewhere or something I will never achieve.

Do you have a website or a blog?
No, but I do have my deviantart page: http://asher961.deviantart.com/

Thank you for the interview, Thomas!

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